Frequently Asked Questions

Why medical compression stockings? And: What happens if I do not wear medical compression stockings?

When the venous or lymphatic system reaches its limits, medical compression stockings provide support with mechanical pressure from the outside and relieve pressure as part of the overall therapy. They are therefore indispensable in treating venous and lymphological diseases. Venous diseases such as varicose vein disorders or lymphoedemas are chronic, i.e. persistent, and have symptoms that can progress further if insufficient treatment is given:

A varicose vein disorder can develop into a leg ulcer (Ulcus cruris venosum).

Without subsequent compression after manual lymph drainage, lymph fluid can once again build up in the tissue. The therapy will not succeed and the condition can progress further.

Do medical compression stockings have side effects?

Medical compression stockings usually have no side effects. Nevertheless, please discuss with your doctor whether you may have any contraindications in using medical compression stockings during therapy.

How do medical compression stockings work?

Medical compression stockings work through the precisely defined pressure distribution on the leg: the compression is strongest at the ankle. towards the top, it decreases continuously. This applies to all models: knee socks, thigh stockings and tights.

A medical compression stocking delivers its full effect when it fits like a second skin. This may feel unusual and tight at first, but soon you won’t want to miss the soothing and beneficial pressure on your leg. The trained staff at specialist medical retailers will therefore measure or scan the circumferences of your legs precisely to allow the stocking later to be tailored exactly to your anatomy.

Support stockings, in contrast, are not medical aids and have no medical effect. They are used only to prevent heavy legs in healthy veins.

Do medical compression stockings lose their effect?

Medical compression stockings that are worn and washed daily maintain their effect for about six months. Afterwards, the compression effect of the material slowly falls. Therefore, if medically necessary, the patient is generally eligible for a new treatment after half a year.

Should I also wear my medical compression stockings overnight in bed?

Please remove your medical compression stockings when you go to sleep. Your venous and lymphatic system does not work against gravity when you lie down. This facilitates the drainage of blood and lymph. In addition, skin regenerates overnight – you can support this process with the skincare product medi night

How long should I wear my compression stockings during the day and how often?

For the best therapy success, please wear and wash your medical compression stockings daily. Patients withvenous ailments and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) wear their medical compression stockings from morning to the evening for their entire lives. This also applies to patients with lymphoedema andlipoedema

Compression therapy should also be initiated for acute symptoms, such as venous inflammation, or after venous surgery (varicose vein removal, varicose vein sclerotherapy). The duration of therapy is determined by your attending doctor.

Is it common for men to get varicose veins?

Of the more than 4 million people in the United States with varicose veins, it is estimated that 25 to 30 percent of them are male. Risk factors include family history of varicose veins, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and prolonged standing. Our veins have one-way valves that keep blood moving toward the heart.

A viable treatment can be compression socks for men. The advantages of wearing socks when you experience unwanted conditions are wide-ranging. Not only can they help to reduce swelling and inflammation, but they can work to decrease the appearance of varicose veins on your skin.

What exactly is the difference between support stockings and medical compression stockings?

If you ask the general public, medical compression stockings are often and incorrectly called elastic stockings or support stockings. Support stockings and compression stockings are two different products which are clearly distinguished from each other.

Support stockings are not a medical product because they do not have the properties of medical aids. They are therefore suitable only for users with healthy veins and for preventing heavy legs, for example when sitting and standing for long periods. The term ‘elastic stocking’ has long since ceased to apply to modern support and compression stockings, as modern materials, colours and patterns are used here.