Lumbamed® plus E+motion®Performance lumbar brace womens (Lumbamed® plus E+motion®)
Performance lumbar brace womens (Lumbamed® plus E+motion®
Performance lumbar brace womens (Lumbamed® plus E+motion®
Lumbar support with massage pad for stabilisation
Lumbar support with massage pad for stabilisation
Back support for stabilisation of the lumbar spine
Performance knee support for soft tissue compression
Performance ankle support with merino fibres for improved thermoregulation
Performance elbow support with merino fibres for improved thermoregulation
Performance wrist support with stabilising bar
mediven mondi® thigh high flat knit stocking with silicone topband 25-32mmHg european standard class 2
mediven mondi below knee compression stockings
unique 2 piece compression stocking
The solution for concomitant PAD and / or Diabetes Soft plush padding in the entire foot Special pressure relief seam at the toes Effective and comfortable compression
Therapeutic effect, even at night Antibacterial, odour-reducing effect Easy donning of the liner and outer stocking
UCS Ulcer cleaning system is a pre-moistened single-use debridement cloth for effective wound debridement and cleaning of the surrounding area. PRICES ARE VAT INCLUSIVE
Juxtalite is an instantly adjustable compression device suitable for all venous disorders (after ulcer healing). PRICES ARE VAT INCLUSIVE
The stocking for thrombosis prevention In the case of immobile, bed-ridden patients.
mediven® thrombexin® 18 Anti-embolism thigh stocking with 18 mmHg
Anti-embolism stocking thigh with waist attachment with 18 mmHg